A ministry built on salvation
We are an evangelical media based non profit organization
What We Do
— Wellness
Break Bread Wellness combines health and fitness with biblical doctrine for a holistic approach to well-being. Emphasizing the body as a temple of god, we focus on balanced living through nutrition, fitness, and spiritual health.
— Food ministry
Meals on wheels, cooking for the homeless, cooking for the community, break bread for life, break bread together, biblical foods festivals a year, wholistic foods for you
— Women's Ministry
She breaks bread with her sisters
— Performance Arts Center
Coming soon
— We Provide Care
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— We Consult
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Break Bread Nations for the Homeless:
My battles with homelessness have endowed me with an intimate understanding of its despair and fear. This program embodies my dedication to offering a haven for women and children, ensuring they find the support and safety I once desperately needed.
Break Bread Cooking Parties & Events:
Cooking has been my therapeutic outlet and a medium for connection and community building. These events are designed not just to teach culinary
Youth on a Mission:
Reflecting on my own yearning for guidance during my formative years, this program holds a special place in my heart. It is dedicated to mentoring young girls and teens. equipping them with the tools and support they need to carve a future that shines bright with promise.
Wellness, Health, and Fitness Ministry:
My encounters with mental health challenges have underscored the importance of holistic wellness. This ministry is devoted to nurturing the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of women, guiding them toward a life of balance and wellness.
The Children who Break New Ground
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Employment Resource Center:
The journey to self-reliance has been transformative for me. This center is a manifestation of my commitment to empowering women with the skills and confidence necessary to transform their lives from mere survival to flourishing independence